Our Values


At Hospitality Performance Partners we have a strong set of core values that drive how we manage our business and our relationships with our Partner clients. The below values represent this important foundation for our business:


  • Performance

    Unlock your foodservice's potential for improved performance and savings.

    We are keenly focused on delivering improvements in Quality, Service, and Price to all of our Partner clients. At Hospitality Performance Partners, we drive these improvements through Industry Benchmark comparisons, Trend Analysis, Financial Audits, Purchasing Audits, Contractual Audits, and most importantly, making sure that each Partner client has the right people doing the right jobs in their foodservice operation.


  • Partnership

    We have built our success by treating customers as partners, with their needs being our top priority.

    We develop solutions for each of our Partner clients based upon their individual needs. Our projects can be brief and focused or much longer and complex. We care for our Partner clients and are able to provide them with personalized attention and service.


  • Professionalism

    We will present ourselves professionally with honesty and integrity in everything we do.

    Our team has been recognized internationally for their professionalism. The basis for our professionalism all starts with communication. At Hospitality Performance Partners, we believe that the more we communicate, the more successful we can be in serving our Partner clients.


  • Passion

    We have built lifelong careers in training and sharing with all of our students and partners.

    Each member of our team has grown up in the foodservice business. It is our life and our Passion and it shows in everything we do. We look for this same quality in your foodservice team. We train and work with your teams to drive this Passion in delivering superior performance and great service to your customers.



All of our Partner clients can therefore expect that we will drive superior Hospitality Performance in Partnership with our Partner clients focusing on their needs with the utmost Professionalism and a Passion that shines through in everything we do!